The below link contains details regarding how to setup the team names in the new registration system (OSCAR).
Naming convention for teams entered in Sports Engine - Updated May 2nd, 2019
Indoor Naming convention for teams entered in Sports Engine - Update October 23rd, 2019
Sports Engine (OSCAR) - a Help Guide
OSCAR works best in Google Chrome or Firefox. Many issues have been encountered when using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
District Staff from across Ontario have created this help document to assist clubs in the use of the OSCAR registration system. Our staff have received basic training in the use of this program but are committed to assist our clubs as much as possible. Together we can make this work!
Uploading Registrations to OSCAR
Please ensure these categories are used accurately as registrations will be billed accordingly
Do NOT use ORA Categories
A summary of the steps required to submit a roster are outlined below:
a. Single import
i. Download the csv. template - in sportsengine
ii. Enter in all required information
First + last name, team name + role, email, date of birth and gender
iii. The following page will bring to attention any required information that is missing
An asterisks (*) will appear next to missing information
iv. Select the ‘Import’ button to finalize adding players and teams
3. Assign teams to the appropriate age group until there are no more teams left to assign
a. Click and drag each team into the correct age group/division
4. Apply memberships and submit the rosters
5. A player and staff review page will be prompted to inform you which players and staff are being registered
Please note, when submitting Team Staff, please remember to go and add the position held by each staff member (Head Coach, Asst. Coach, Team Manager etc.).
Further Help or Assistance
Sports Engine Support should be your first option when seeking assistance or clarification regarding the registration process. This assistance can be accessed as follows: